

Ok so I'm going to try and make a long story short. My cousin and I grew up in the same household. His momma raised me as her own from the time i was in diapers but i did know that she was my aunt and not my momma. We are now 26 and 24 he's 24 and I'm 26. Anyway when my cousin turned 14 he has restented my aunt because she wouldnt let him do whatever he wanted I.e. run wild. She didnt let us go over to just anyone's house, she wouldnt let us get into a car with just anyone, yes we had chaperoned dates but sometimes she would allow us to go out by ourselves. Now I'm not saying that I have never had disagreements with her or arguments with her over things because i did all kids do with their parents or parent figures. However, I know a difference. To this day my cousin says that his momma, my aunt beat him till he could barely move on a daily basis. This is so far from the truth she never beat us, remember we grew up in the same household. But wait, you just mentioned abuse out of nowhere. I did, and why you might ask? My cousin holds a grudge over how protective my aunt was over us, still 10 yrs later. This is how he gets back at her. He's toxic. He tells everyone this. And people believe him even though he has no proof! Its infuriating. I could see him saying you no what i disagree about how to raise kids and maybe even not talking to my aunt if he felt so strongly but why drag her name through the mud? We were never abused and yet he was always calling child protective services. They would find nothing wrong and would move on. Sometimes I get irritated because I see a child who was really abused in the paper died due to abuse and wonder where was child protective services. Then I remember my cousin. They may be out on some false call when they could have gotten to this child. Its upsetting a whole 10 years later come on man! But he insists on slandering her. Not mention he has 3 kids of his own who are pretty much wild. They have no discipline what so ever they bite people and they are well past the baby biting stage, they kick people if they dont get their way, and they even slap him if they want something and he says no. What does he do? He says you dont do that again then turns a blind eye to them when they do. Honestly I hope his kids grow up just like him. I know thats harsh but i can't stand to see someone's good name to be dragged down because you hold a grudge 10 yrs later. This guy wouldnt know abuse if it fell down and hit him in the head. He is irresponsible to boot. He is on bipolar meds which arent suppose to be mixed sith alcohol yet he was drinking thos weekend. If his when his baby was a baby (now 3) was sitting on the couch about to unknowling fall he let them fall to 'teach the a lesson', did i mention he let them fall onto a concrete floor. He also doesn't put them in car seats when he goes to other countries that dont require them. Why? Beacuse they aren't required there its ok. He just does whatever. He has aloud his oldest to throw the largest tantrums you have ever seen over things and then gives into what they want. Sorry for the long post i think my rant is over. Thank you.