15 month old not saying many words

My 15.5 month old really doesn’t say much 😔 he babbles all day long and sounds like he’s having full on conversations with himself, and is very animated in his expressions, but he just doesn’t seem to have an interest in saying anything and I’m starting to worry 😰 he can say “uh oh” and does say mama and dada, although it’s more like mamamama and dadadada and it’s not always at us directly. He knows how to mimic sounds, will bring us toys if we ask for them (sometimes) can high-five but not really into waving, will give a hug when asked, and when you ask for a kiss he’ll give his forehead (which I think is sweet ❤️). I just see all these posts about early intervention and I guess I feel like he’s still a little young for that, but maybe that’s just me being in denial I don’t know 😔 I’ve been trying really hard to teach him body parts I.e “where’s your nose” but he doesn’t seem to be getting it/is always so busy and on the go.