2 female or 1 female and 1 male


So i have read and been told diff things , its been all over the place if its better to have 2 female dogs or 1 male and female.

From what i can tell it comes down to personalities.. what is everyones thoughts ? Ive seen it vary first hand as well so im just not sure what to do.

I will be getting one female and raise her , train and such then add the second pup. I plan to look for the submissive pup

Ive read easier to train and should get along with others more likely.

Really ideally one in between submissive and dominant but may be hard to find, fig out. Pups will both be professionally trained. Ideally second pup needs to be more assertive i think Because she will be smaller, she will be the younger one though. I need the first to be gentle with the 2nd one. They cant have any kind of fight , very likely result in serious damage to 2nd pup. So i need to do this properly. Any help is appreciated

Thank you