Do I have a Cyst or Cancer?


Photo for reference:

So I just typed this all out already, and I went to get the picture and it deleted all of it. SO here we go again 😊

Today I found a hard knot in my labia minora smaller than the size of a pea. It's in there, believe me. It isn't on the skin, it's in the skin. It's sensitive to move the skin around it, kind of like a skocking pinchy stabby pain. I was wondering if anyone might have some experience with this sort of thing and/or may have any advise for me on it. I want to hold off on going to the OB/GYN because I don't have insurance and don't have any money at all. I was there not too long ago, (like a month maybe) to got my IUD removed. (By the way it doesn't hurt nearly as bad as getting it inserted, thank goodness.)

Could this be something that maybe goes away on it's own? Or should I make an appointment? I'm gonna wait a week or two until I get some opinions from you gals before I try to make an appointment. Please help me and thankyou so much ❤️