To everyone upset about the riots

It’s understandable to be upset but you need to have that same energy about the reason all of this is happening in the first place. Black people have had ENOUGH of their family members being killed by the people who are supposed to protect us. Tired of it! I don’t agree with the riots. I feel like they are taking a lot of the attention off of the original reason BUT I sure as hell have way more to talk about when it comes to a “police” putting his knee on a black mans neck for 8 whole minutes while the other officers just watched. OF COURSE PEOPLE ARE DO ANGRY TO THE POINT THWYRE READY TO SET THINGS ON FIRE. Enough is enough! If you’re so upset about the rioting and protest, you need to speak up so that we can get these other officers who just stood by and watched to be charged. Nothing is going to change until people start seeing justice.