Baby will only sleep at home in crib

Kaitlyn • Married, 26, 👶🫄

Some might think this isn't really a problem, but I was just wondering if anyone else's baby is like this. Used to, nap time and bed time were a struggle. She only wanted to be held or sleep in bed with us. After a month of working on it, she now sleeps almost through the night in her crib and takes fairly good naps, but I have to follow the routine that I've been doing. I'm a SAHM so normally this isn't an issue, but I like to leave the house occasionally for mental health reasons. With the virus and every thing going on, it sometimes feels like the house is more like a prison some days. We don't get out much, but maybe once a week or every other week I like to get out for a few hours. But with her wake windows only being a couple of hours, I usually have an over tired baby by the time I start back home and she's a screaming and crying mess. Which ends up just making me not want to leave the house at all. The only other place she'll sleep is in the baby wrap and if I'm walking around and moving enough to rock her to sleep. Does anyone else have a baby that refuses to sleep anywhere but at home? I have some appointments coming up this next week and would feel a lot better if I knew she would nap in the car seat. Is there any way I can encourage her to take an occasional nap on the go?