Don’t Give Up!


I hope I can give you all a little bit of encouragement. I will be 40 and my hubby 45 this year. We have been trying for 16 months. This last month I finally came to the realization that we must be crazy trying to have a baby now with an 18, 13, 5, and 3 yo already (all boys) We just really want a girl! So this past month I said screw it, I’m done. Done with the endless testing for ovulation. Done with the endless testing of driving myself crazy and seeing lines that were actually nonexistent month after month. Done praying daily for a baby girl with my blue eyes but his dark Italian features. I was just done with all the disappointment. But then... THIS HAPPENED! We literally only had sex once this cycle about three days before I ovulated (I’m assuming) because I was done testing I don’t exactly know. It is always in HIS timing not ours. I pray for each and every one of you sweet women for your little blessings! Baby dust to all ❤️