I’m disappointed.

Okay here we go,

We scheduled an ultrasound at a private place to see our baby at 28 weeks in MARCH. and paid 100 dollars for a 30 minute ultrasound session, to no fault of the place our baby was not cooperative, she kept her hands in her face the entire time, so we didn’t get any pictures, and the lady only tried for 15 minutes. So we rescheduled for a week later, then covid happened so they shut down. I was sad but completely understood, Well I kept checking their fb since they posted frequently prior to covid to see if they had opened back up and they never posted anything, but one day I decided to call just to check, at this point it’s may 20th. They are open and have been for two weeks, but never thought to share that on Facebook or call me to reschedule my appointment from March? I was already a little irritated by that.

So they get me in for June 3rd, tomorrow. Then I get a call today saying we need to reschedule again because the machine is broken, they have more than one location, the other is 40 minutes away and say they can get me in on Sunday. Here’s my problem, I’m 39+5 weeks dude. I could go into labor well before then, I don’t want to sound like a total Karen but our appointment was paid for and we’ve been waiting since March! Am I wrong to feel like they should reschedule someone else who isn’t literally due any Day now and give me the spot!? Ugh I know she’ll be here before then with the way I’ve felt the last few days and although I’m excited I get to see her face in person I feel like we were robbed of the ultrasound pictures we have been looking forward to for months that we already paid for... oh and the best part?? They said no to giving me a refund if she comes before Sunday. Y’all I’m really upset about it. I’ve just been looking forward to this appointment for months now 😭

Okay just had to rant to someone because it’s really bothered me

Yes I know there ar bigger problems in the world right now and I might sound like spoiled brat but idk