Ringworm and pregnant

I don’t currently have ringworm but my cousins house they just found out that they basically have a ringworm infestation. First my cousins husband got it and didn’t get it treated so then he passed it to their puppy and now their 3 year old daughter has it. They are not taking the 3 year old to get it treated they are going to treat it at home which is concerning. I told them they should but they said no, so I’m currently 13w1d pregnant and I’ve been coming over everyday and now I don’t want to come back till they have cleared that problem they have, I don’t know how to tell them since they keep inviting me over and they live right infront of me ! I don’t want to be rude but I am pregnant and although I read that it doesn’t cause harm to the baby I don’t want to take unnecessary antibiotics when I can just avoid it. Any advice on how to tell them ? They also know I’m pregnant.