I can’t stop feeling miserable about my wedding

So we were due to get married July 2021 but postponed to 2022 because I got pregnant.

Here’s the thing. We do not get along with his side of the family at all, I do not see them nor do they see our child. The reason for this is my future fil was sexually inappropriate with throughout my teenage years, so naturally I’m not comfortable to be around them or my child. I finally spoke up about it, and have been called all sorts of names.

Before I spoke up about this, we were going to elope because I couldn’t bear to be around them on supposedly the happiest day of my life. But I really felt sad about it like I was compromising what I really wanted, I really didn’t want to elope.

So we decided fuck it, I’m not letting them dictate my life, we’ll get married at home and just deal with his family. I really didn’t want them there, but whatever. I wasn’t letting them ruin my day.

Anyway, since this has all come out, my future mil said that not a single member of their family will be attending. This really dramatically reduces the guest list, which has its pros and cons.

I’m happy they’re not coming, I really am. But I can’t stop freaking out about how bad it will look and what other people will think. It looks really bad if not a SINGLE person of his family attends. Like I cant help thinking everyone will think I’m such a bitch for an ENTIRE family to not want to go to our wedding. I just think people will gossip and I’ll feel like this huge laughing stock that people hate me so much.

And it’s not like we have a ton of friends either, literally like 3 friends plus their partner. And I don’t have a huge family either.

Will it look so incredibly tragic that I’m scraping as many people I can to make it look like I have decent numbers? I feel like if it’s super small everyone will laugh and feel like no one cares about us. And since I’m having another baby I’m so worried that I’ll end up distancing from the few friends that I do have because I’ll be so busy, and lessen my numbers even more.