Strict parents


I’m 19. Both parents are religious and they don’t let me go out. At all. And if I do go out, at least one of them stalks me. Earlier this year, I said I was going to stay at a friends house for a few weeks bc they found out I had a boyfriend so their reaction was blown out of proportion. Before you say, well you should have told them the truth in the first place, I wish I could however they are not the kind of people who say anything encouraging unless it involves school achievements or church achievements. During this conversation of me going away for a few weeks, they both started questioning me, and when I tried to speak, they would talk over me so I got mad and frustrated and I tried to leave. My dad got in front of me and ordered me to sit down. So I did and I didn’t say anything for a while. When he stopped preaching at me, I went to the bathroom and locked myself inside so my mom called the cops.

I spoke to them after a while and a cop took me to my friends house. (Also my mom called my friends mom to not let me in their house, her mom replied that she is a fool if she thinks she wouldn’t let me stay) I came back after a few weeks bc I heard my mom was going to her home country and I didn’t want to leave things on a bad note. I ended up moving back.

Fast forward to now. I am not allowed to go with my friends anywhere even if there’s an adult since they don’t “trust them”. I still ask for their permission out of respect and especially since I live under their roof.

But I feel alone. I speak w my boyfriend over the phone but I really miss him. I talk w my friends every day and I miss them. I know I shouldn’t be ungrateful for what my parents provide me but it hurts when they remind me that I’m not like my siblings and that my spiritual life is going bad. They yell at me bc they think I’ll get pregnant. I understand it’s a concern but it just feels like they’re humiliating me to a point.

Anyways, I would like to see my friends and boyfriend this week, even if it’s for a day. I just don’t know how to bring it up to my parents.

Sorry for the long read.