Can’t feel my IUD strings (Kyleena)


Ok so I’m gonna go on a rant so forgive me 😂

I’ve had my hormonal iud for a little over a year now and aside from bad cramps in the beginning, everything has been normal. My periods are regular (accurately once a month and are very light but last about 1 week) and I’ve had no spotting. I’ve had sex with my SO up to 3 times a month and I’ve had no problems other than my cycle varying in a minor way. My iud string has varied in length depending on where I am in my cycle, only this time (about a half of a week before my expected period) I can’t find my strings, which has never happened before. I’ve felt around and It’s almost felt like my iud strings are trying to poke my cervix wall from the inside rather than poking through my cervical opening. I haven’t felt any pain at all and my typical symptoms before my period are present and normal. I had sex the 27th (last day of my most recent period) and the 8th (about 1.5 weeks ago) and I used pull-out and, If my SO finished in me, a condom. I’ve been researching how disappearing iud strings can be signs of pregnancy, perforation, or other horrors 😂 so

I’m not sure if I should be worried or what my next move should be... I took a pregnancy test just last night, which I’m not sure if the hcg would detect this early (5 days before my expected period) or not detect given my situation. The result was undoubtedly negative.

Sorry for the possible tmi!

If you’ve been through this or have advice, your story and advice would be greatly appreciated ❤️