
So I have this “friend” who’s getting married in a few very short months. I’m the moh. Without sharing too much obvious info, we’ve had an on and off again friendship for 11 years. She is not a good friend and very narcissistic, she literally only talks about herself, her plans and her goals etc. and if I bring up anything about myself even casually it’s overshadowed by more of her own things. This is one of the reasons we’ve stopped being friends so many times.

The issue here is I live alone with my boyfriend and we support ourselves fully (she’s always lived with and been supported 100% by her parents and they are wealthy), but I’m required to pay for my dress, alterations, hair, makeup, shoes, and big parts of the shower. Every month after my expenses are paid for I have *maybe* $40 to my name.. and that money is expected to all go towards her wedding needs. I’ve told her my situation many times and expressed how stressed I am all the time about money and she basically laughs it off like it doesn’t matter to her, she and her family have never struggled so she literally just doesn’t have any understanding of the matter if she tried, which she doesn’t.

I’m now at a point where I’m putting off things I actually need for myself and my home so I can make sure my dress is fixed in time or to make sure I buy the right stuff for the shower. I’m only here as a pawn in her wedding, we don’t even share things with each other that we used to. We only talk when it’s convenient for her or when she needs help with something related to the wedding. Idk maybe I’m just venting here sorry it’s so long I’m just in a hard spot and well I don’t have a girl friend to tell this to lol.

EDIT; she asked me to be her moh in front of her entire family at a very public restaurant with a lot of gifts and specially made things with my name and moh on them. I was extremely pressured into this..