need some answers....


New to the group, I delivered a healthy baby vaginally at 11 weeks pregnant this passed Sunday in the middle of the night.

I had just went camping for the weekend. Didn’t lift anything or do anything that

Could harm me or baby in any way. Saw the baby last Thursday in U/S and it was waving and healthy as can be....

I’ve had continuous spotting and my dr had told me not to be concerned.

I passed two little blood clots on Friday morning, had called my dr and she had said the cervix was irritated bc I had been checked the day before. So I didn’t think to worry...

Saturday evening after a swim with my son, I got out of the pool and had a gush of bleeding light bleeding so I wasn’t to much concerned, I also have a cervical polyp so I knew it would cause some spotting & or bleeding throughout the pregnancy.

Got back home from camping Sunday afternoon, took a nap. Woke up and went pee for awhile thinking my water had broke seeing as I was peeing for awhile. Didn’t think that at the time but when I went back and thought about it it made sense.

Went over to visit at my sisters about an hour later. Spent about 2 hours there. A few mins before I left I had a sharp pain go through my pelvis and butt. Got into the car, and headed home.

Once I headed home I pulled out my fetal doppler & couldn’t find the baby’s heart beat at all...

Had another one of those sharp shooting pains I couldn’t sit or lay down

I had them for about 4 hours until I finally had a gush of blood come out and was crying. I was in full ACTIVE labor, I was heading into the ER now... threw up on my way there. Constant contractions a few minutes apart.

The minute I got there they took a lot and tried getting the blood clots out so they could see if my cervix was closed. It was completely dialated and baby’s sac was showing, I had to push one big push and my baby was out....

I did get to hold my angel.... and I mean the moment with the baby I made, was absolutely perfect...... and devastating at the same time.

Could I have been farther along? I don’t know if anyone that went into labor at 11 or 12 weeks pregnant? Please I need answers.