Is this normal?

Brooke • TTC/IVF for Rainbow Baby #1, tubal infertility

I had a follicle ultrasound on 6/30 and it was 16.6mm so they scheduled me for my <a href="">IUI</a> on 7/4. Well on 7/1 I got a positive OPK and they told me not to worry about it so I guess I'm trying not to. Today is 7/3 and I took my trigger shot this morning and this evening, I am cramping like crazy. <a href="">IUI</a> is scheduled for tomorrow morning.

Ive seen sooo many posts about how people use OPKs to schedule their <a href="">IUI</a> the next day after an LH surge and I was told to just not worry about it and continue with the <a href="">IUI</a> 3 days later.

I'm so frustrated and confused!