Panic attacks/anxiety

My baby is now 2 months, I have a 20 month old son as well, single parent because their dad got super violent and threatened to kill them and my family, so hes obviously out of the picture.. I suffer anxiety, for the past two days it's been super bad, I would try clean the bug mess my son makes while I'm breastfeeding them my chest starts to hurt and aches and stabbing pains bug doctor did test and all fine, what panics me the most us that me and my son had coughs from when we went swimming and the water was still cold, and we walked home all wet about 4 blocks away, also my sister had a cold too when visiting, but that was like 2 weeks ago.. we had to get tested for covid and still haven't heard from them its been 3 days.. we have cough but dont feel anything else? I assume were sweaty because it's been so hot out lately and we only have two windows and a patio door in this apartment.. mh sin is still running around and playing we haven't left the place in days! I haven't been to a public shopping place or near people since last month around the 19th... I'm just panicking over this I need to be calmed, my family party to much to come help and obviously cant have anyone over to help.. please some positive feedback 😭💕