You come on these forums for moral support and at times you get trashed. Why?

Back in October 2018 when I was about 4.5 weeks pregnant I logged onto these forums after having discovered that they guy I was seeing had a girlfriend. He had cooked dinner that night for me and we even been intimate for the last time. While watching a movie I día eres that the Netflix account was his girlfriends (whom I had no idea existed). That was the last time I saw him. About a month and a half later his girlfriend moved from her home state to Florida to live with him. Since then, I moved back to my home state to be closer to family after the birth of my son.

Let me just say though that night I logged onto these forums to get moral support. Instead, I got a backlash from list users. Some stating that they felt sorry for his girlfriend and branding me a bad mother to my child for gotten pregnant so soon after meeting this individual. Some users called me the side chick and told me to deal with situation and to basically shut up and stop whining. My mental health took a toll that night after reading those harsh comments. Had I not been pregnant, I probably would have taken (or attempted) my life that night since that was like the tipping point for me.

Even though I got pregnant quickly to me it was a blessing in disguise. In September 2017 I had been sexually assaulted and the police failed to investigate even though the aggressor has a lengthy criminal history. I was called a liar and his attorney painted me in a bad light when I had never, in my life, been in trouble with the law. At the end of 2017, I tried twice to take my life. I’m glad it never worked because I wouldn’t have met my son who’s 13.5 months old. To all the users that told me I’d be a bad mother, I can certainly say that is not the case.

Yes, I still have PTSD which I need to deal with. I don’t trust many people other than my family. What is the moral of the story and why I decided to post this? The moral of the story is stop judging people so harshly. If someone asks for moral support, stand in their shoes before making that person feel lower than they already do because you don’t know the whole story. People do what they do for a reason and it’s amazing to be a kind individual ❤️ I hope this post resonates with some people on here who are mean and so quick to judge