I need to rant

My husband and I are having a fight about sleep for the umpteenth time. He goes to work at 4:30 in the morning during the week so during the weekend I try to let him sleep in a little till about 8:30/9. All I ask of him is around 9 if he can take the baby for like an hour so I can catch up on some sleep. But I’m expected to wake him up, babysit him to make sure he stays up, and then be grateful when he finally gets out of bed an hour or two later. My little one goes down at 9:30, stays asleep till about 2/3 am and then wakes up to start his day around 6:30/7. I get very little to no sleep during that time because once he’s down for the night I’m trying to get online classes done, get chores done that desperately need it, or just taking a breath for the first time all day. I get roughly 3-4 hours a night and I try to let my husband get as much as he can cuz I know he needs it. I’d just like some freaking help and consideration in turn. But it doesn’t feel like I’ll ever get it. 😞 I’m so burnt out 😔