Rant; Lazy partner

Hi all, just need to have a bit of a vent in what I consider a safe space 😊

I am currently 13 weeks with twins and I work 4 days a week in an Aged Care Home. It's a highly stressful job, especially during COVID, but I enjoy it. However I'm dealing with quite a few unpleasant symptoms including awful back and shoulder pain (esp. my lower back), headaches, nausea, fatigue, hot flushes, constipation and haemmoroids, you name it! So when it comes to home, I haven't been doing an awful lot. And I think that's fair because;

My partner and I began TTC in April and on the day I got the BFP, I found out he had quit his job - without talking to me about it first. As if that wasn't important enough to discuss with your partner who you're TTC with.

Skip to now, he's not even looking for a job. He sits at home all day and quite literally does nothing. He gets job seeker payments from the government and due to COVID increases he gets almost as much as I do from working but despite this, we pay half the bills and rent each, then I pay everything else - all our groceries, toiletries, homewares, takeout, date nights, etc. And I wouldn't mind that being the case IF he was doing housework but he isn't.

Our two sinks are full of dishes and have been for 3 weeks almost. The washing hasn't been done - I wash my uniforms and a couple other items every few days but no towels, linen, or other clothes have been washed in at least a month. The house is never mopped, swept or vaccumed. Rubbish is never taken out. Clothes are left everywhere. The fridge and pantry are never tidy and free of spoiled items. You get the idea. Things are only done if I do them and it's becoming difficult for me to catch up and keep on top of things all while working and paying the majority of our expenses.

It's not fair, clearly. This has happened many times before when he's been unemployed and not carried his weight and every conversation turns into an argument becayse he believes it should be 50/50 with the housework despite all these circumstances (I'm employed, paying everything and pregnant vs he's unemployed, very little expenses and definitely not pregnant or physically incapable).

What should I do? Do I just leave things the way they are and hope he gets his ass into gear eventually? Do I have what will be the 10th argument about this? Do I just do it all myself and sweep it under the rug? It's getting me down but he doesn't seem to care.