Hairloss photo, girls please help me

I am 23. I have a good diet, i eat my greens, my carbs, my protein, fish each week, fruit, and water. I even take collagen powder. I exercise everyday for about an hour, nothing to strenuous, it’s very enjoyable. I take Chlorella for my gut health and zinc for my skin.

So all up I’d say I’m pretty healthy. I’ve been trying to get a job for the past 2 years. I’ve tirelessly applied and applied and stressed and stressed. Each time I get an interview it’s a rollercoaster of excitement and then disappointment when I don’t end up getting it. I am eager to start my life and start earning $$ but cannot do so because I can’t find a job. I also live with my family still and we don’t get along so that’s an added stress.

I guess realistically my question is do you think this TYPE of hairloss could be stress related? And if so, is it possible to regrow the hair when I am no longer stressed/when I’m truly happy....

This hairloss has been getting progressively worse...and with it comes more stress about it. I would love to know if other people have suffered from this. And are there any treatments?

I’m going to see the doctor soon I think.
