I feel like I’m good with kids because I’m not a mom

I am really good with kids. I have been told that over and over by people and told I’d make an awesome mom. But I honestly think the only reason I am good with kids is that, I don’t have any. I don’t have a 24/7 job of taking care of someone else, I sleep for 8 hours, i get to pee alone and sit in my bed and not worry about a toddler getting out bed and setting the house on fire or something weird. I do not have the daily responsibilities and stresses that comes with motherhood.

So I think that’s why I have the patience I do. I think this is why I am able to get my friends toddler to stop screaming over something ridiculous like socks, I think that’s why I’m able to hold a screaming baby and not feel stressed out by it. Because i have all this extra energy saved up. Does that make sense? Like yes. I know I’m good with kids but i don’t know how that reflects what kind of mother I’ll be.

I hope this makes sense