Leg pain and blurry vision!!?


I noticed my legs would hurt at night during the end of first trimester and beginning of my second. I’ll be 23weeks Friday and my legs are in excruciating pain only when im sleeping. And noticing it more in my right leg lately. I prop tons of pillow between my legs and it doesn’t help. I have to toss and turn every 10minuts from the time I go to bed till I wake up it’s become a habit even in my sleep because how much it hurts. I don’t know what it is or what to do. I’ve talked to my ob when I first noticed and she said could be cervix pressing on nerves but it’s waaaayyy worse now. And I’ve also noticed my vision has become a little blurry the past 3-4days. I can’t see as far as I used to. Is this just regular pregnancy stuff, start of preeclampsia, ligament pains? Anyone else dealing with this?