Advice for a girl interested in being a labor and delivery nurse

Madison • 🦋We are the light of the world🦋 Matthew 5:14

My name is Madison, I am 16 and interested in entering the field of a labor and delivery RN. I will be a junior in high school this fall and I am homeschooled. When I was 10-12 I wanted to be a midwife. When I was 13-15 I thought it was kind of a childhood dream of “what do you want to be when you grow up” well I am now 16 and trying to think about what kind of career I want to enter as I am preparing for next school year. Is there anyone who has become a L&D RN and could give me some advice? Or kind of just tell me how you became interested in the field. My mom is encouraging me to think about college and what I may be interested in. I don’t know how to tell her that I might be interested in nursing. I am the oldest of 8 kids which is why I think I might be interested in it. I have always looked forward to having kids some day. How do I know if being a nurse is my “calling”? Any good words of wisdom are appreciated!
