Went into labor the day before induction


Lucius was born 7/19/20 at 39wks. I started having contractions at 12:30 am but I didnt want to wake everyone up if it wasn't for real. They were pretty intense to the point I couldn't sit through them. Around 230am I called my mom to come get my 14month old and woke up my husband. I was crying at this point they hurt so bad. We got to the er around 330am and they made me wait for labor and delivery for like 30mins when I got checked into l&d it took about 30 min before she checked my cervix and I was 7 cm already at 5am I finally got the epidural at 530 and they checked again and I was 10 100%effaced. The doctor was with another mom so we had to wait a bit to start pushing. Started pushing at 550 and baby started having decels so he used a vac to help. Baby boy was born at 606am weighing 6lbs8oz and 19.5in

Lucius Oliver James 💛