giving off attitude

recently my boyfriend has been giving me way too much attitude. he’s always like “bro just shut up” , when i don’t mute on facetime he says “omg just mute already damn” . Yestarday, me and him were on facetime . He decided to take a shower and I said “Can i talk to your little sister while you shower?” and he said “no i have stuff on my phone” so i offered and said “you can just lock it, it still works” he kept saying no. I asked for an explaination and still no. 10 minutes later of this arguing back and forth, he claims i am “taking his music away” becuase he listens to music in the shower that i never knew if before. he claims i’m taking away something he loves. today, he decided to take a shower and said “we already went through this” and i offered to “mute and pause” and he said “no becuase it messes up with the music volume”

What do i do ? Am i just overreacting ? We had problems in the past of him talking to girls but should i be worried ?