What would you guys do..?

So for the first year of my sons life now I have worked PRN sporadically about 2-3 days a week till 2. Now I am getting a new job in a different field and all they have is m-f 8-5. For one I’m upset and stressed cause I hate to leave my baby everyday all day like this. ive been very down about it. Also the next thing that has me upset and stressed is the fact that he will be with my mother the entire time. She is not bad to him, but she has no rules at all. I’ve made rules for my son and she’s never ever been able to follow them like I continue to always ask her to. It’s slide by this long cause I haven’t worked a lot but working full time and him being there full time makes me so nervous. I’m afraid he will do what her other grandchildren have done (brothers kids) she had no rules and he did and everytime he would come to pick his daughter up she would say she didn’t want to go home with him. Cause my mother literally lets them do anything. Gives in to anything they want. I’ve tried and tried to explain my rules for my son and if he misbehaves and throws fits what to do and she just sweetly tells him no no and that’s all. I came to pick him up the other day and he was chasing her around the house screaming and throwing himself in the floor. I instantly picked him up took him home and he was a whole new kid when we got home. Didn’t scream or cry once. It’s awful. I really am considering daycare but I’ve heard so many horror stories. What would you do if you had a mother who wouldn’t follow your rules for your child and makes them not even want to go to you? Daycare or stick with what I have? She’s the only person family wise I have.