Am I a bad person ?

This guy liked my friend, a lot. She wouldn’t pay attention to him and she would play hard to get since she liked to have “options” if you know what I mean. I started becoming friends with the guy and strictly friends only. Time passed and we became very close. He would even ask for advice to get her to like him and I would give it to him, I would even talk good about him to her so he could get a chance. More time passed and he started becoming friendlier with me, flirting at times. We got even closer and we both caught feelings. She got extremely mad, talked bad about me, called me so many things, turned my friends on me. I could’ve gotten back at her by saying some things she’s done but I decided to not throw her under the bus. I’m with the guy now, we want to see if we can have a future together. Is it bad that I chose a boy over a close friend ?