Maybe pregnant?

Let’s start w my period. I normally have a super intense and heavy period. I’m talkin’ 7 sometimes 8 day periods and I gotta wear a maxi pad and a super plus tampon. Well this last one was like 4 or 5 days and it wouldn’t even fill a pad or a tampon. Wouldn’t come close. Then I went and saw my bf on the last day of my period(July 14) and I stopped my period that morning. We had sex multiple times that night and then we had sex the next day. I also passed out right after each time and didn’t go to the bathroom. My next period is due to be here on the 6th. I’ve been super tired and hungry and nauseous. I’ve been pregnant once before but lost the baby at 13 weeks. With that pregnancy I found out at about 4 weeks and on the day I was supposed to start my period. What do you guys think? Obviously it’s best to wait a little bit longer and then see a doctor for their testing but I just want to know what y’all are thinkin.