Odds are against ...


I’m 42 with a healthy four year old son. I always imagined having more than one child... I’m super grateful for what we have. I didn’t meet my husband until I was in my late 30s so we hurried to have our first. We had no problems getting pregnant the first time. My pregnancy was healthy and my son was born when I was 38.

I didn’t think we’d wait this long to start trying for another but there were reasons... financial troubles, an infant that NEVER slept, a husband struggling with depression, etc.

We’re in a much better place now financially and mentally, but I’m afraid we might have waited too long. I have low AMH and irregular periods (periods were like clockwork before having a baby). My husband is on anti-depressant medication which affects his libido as well as his ability to maintain an erection. The last few times we’ve tried having sex, which have been few and far between, he wasn’t able to ejaculate inside me.

I feel the odds are just against us but I’m not ready to give up. I don’t want him to stop taking his medication because it really does help him... but between my irregular periods and his issues, it just seems impossible. If we can’t even have sex enough to randomly land on an ovulation day, which I think is probably different every month, then... I don’t know. Also, we can’t afford and don’t want to do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> or donor eggs, which I know also greatly limits our options.

Is there anyone out there like me? Looking for advice but also just a kindred spirit. Thanks!