First Time Mom (Please Read)


First Time Mom (Please Read)

Hi guys. My baby just turned 3 months and I noticed of late, that she’s been pulling at her ears and also covering them. She covers them mostly while breastfeeding. She recently had a check up and there were no signs of infection. She’s also recently became a tad bit more fussy during the day, which never was the case.

She sleeps through out the night for the most part except when she awakes once or twice to feed. (I used to wake her every 2 -3 hrs to feed but her pediatrician said to let her sleep if she’s sleeping, so she now pretty much sleeps through out.) She however, is slowly napping less during the day. Usually naps at least 4 times (now it’s around 3 times sometimes 2 good solid naps and then little cat naps here and there.

I’m not sure what caused her onset of fussiness and I want to know why she covers her ear during feeds or otherwise pull at them.

NB: she’s very alert and very active / interactive. She smiles often.

Any advice Is greatly appreciated. Thank you.