

I don’t know if I’m overreacting but anyway.. So before the lockdown I made a deal with my mom that I would give her more money to keep her going during the pandemic since she stopped working (She is a house cleaner). I give my mom money because I still live at home so it goes on food/electric etc.. I said to her that once she’s working again, she can give me back what I usually have for myself every week. With my money, I usually buy things that I need, I don’t spend it on crap. I’m only left with a small amount every week since I’m giving her more, but i don’t mind once she’s okay. I just find it hard not having enough for myself, especially when it’s buying stuff I need. So, she’s back working again and she’s expecting me to still give her the money I give to her. The other day I politely just said “Could I have the extra money because you’re working again?” And she sorta just got into a mood. I don’t really know what to say to her. I always buy personal items with my money, Shampoos, deodorant, razors, even my own food sometimes. As I said before, I don’t spend my money on crap. I don’t drink or smoke.