Big kid bed...

When did y'all move your kids from their baby sleeping place to a toddler/twin bed? Follow up..for those who had very active/curious kids what did you do it they got out and wandered? Baby gate the door or what did you do? My baby is insanely stealthy so she will get up from nap and not make a peep. She took a nap at her aunts house last week when we were there and as she has no kids she just slept in a yoga mat on the floor. We were in the next room and I was able to see/monitor her and even with us being there she managed to get up and sneak into the room we were in 100% silently and tug on my sisters sleeve to ask for water. Pretty sure she is part ninja..but that worries me in a non contained sleeping area. She is super tall for her age so the crib is done.