I just need to rant for a moment


Today has been the absolute worst day ive had this entire pregnancy.

So first my babys sperm donor has asked to sign his rights away when the babys born because he doesn’t feel hes ready to be a father & doesnt want to pay any extra money for a child he doesnt want. Then i lost my job and while being told i was fired, because of covid, i dropped my phone and shattered it. After i got home my baby daddys mother called me to let me know about a wonderful godly couple who’s interested in adopting my baby, but ive never mentioned adoption once, so i had to contact this couple & let them know they basically are getting scammed & they yelled at me for “being selfish.” ugh. Im 10w today & i just want to crawl under a rock. this has been horrible & i see no up from here. & i know it hasnt even been 24hrs since the world has come crashing down but did all this really need to happen in one day? im not even being selfish am i? obviously im not in the best place but i was at the beginning & ugh. what even is today?