I can’t handle my 3 year old, he’s always being bad & bullying his little brother & never listening to me. I’m always crying

He’s turning 4 in October and he’s been worse than he’s ever been. I can’t handle him anymore. It’s to the point I don’t even want to be in the same room as him. I feel extremely depressed. All I ever do is put him before myself. I always make sure he has everything he wants & needs yet he is still bad.

Everytime I tell him to stop or to be quiet, he talks over me, he talks so loud over me. I say it 3-4 times to stop & he continues to talk over me, he’s been doing this since he woke up this morning! Then he gave his 1 year old brother a black eye by throwing a toy at his eye, he now gave him a busted lip by tripping him with his feet (which he is very hurt because he has a chunk of skin taken off due to his tooth), theeeen after he got in trouble with that, 30 minutes after he tried to kick him down to have him fall on the ground.

He’s been on time out 3 times within 2 hours! He’s being really bad to the point I don’t know what to do, I’ve tried everything, but he continues to not listen to me, and bully his little brother. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t feel I’m doing a good enough job as a mom cause he would probably be listening to me if I was doing a good job.. how much longer is this gonna happen to me? When is he ever going to listen to me? He probably never will.

Update: sorry I probably should of mentioned it before, but I only give him like toys that he wants when he’s being good, I never hand him anything when he’s bad. I also never give him any sugar things, or junk food.