Bf acusing me of cheating constantly??

We’ve been dating probably 7 months and currently live together. He’s had 2 girlfriends before me if it matters and they were in high school and middle school. He literally will use one of these phrases at least 3+ times a DAY (literally it’s daily and never ending)

Who are you texting or talking to

Texting your boyfriend

Why are you being weird about your phone

Why are you hiding stuff from me

Are you texting guys

In the beginning I would answer his questions. The answers would of course be I’m talking to my family or girl friends and he has my password and I don’t cheat or text any other guys except my best guy friend I’ve been friends with for 10+ years. My boyfriend says he thinks I text other guys all the time in front of him and delete it. He has admitted to having trust issues but seriously girls it’s every single day and at this point I’ve just given up and not even answered him or just said friends and not said anything else. I’m so sick of defending myself because I’ve not done anything wrong ever and it’s been months that this has been going on. I need trust and somebody who’s not so nosey all the time because honestly idc who he talks to, he talks to his girl friends back home too daily haha so wtf. Yes I’ve sat him down and told him probably 6 times by now that I need him to trust me and that he can get in my phone whenever and blah blah but it keeps happening. I need your opinions please omg 😭