Housework arguments

I am 20 weeks pregnant with my third child, I have a 15 month old and 3.5 year old. Normally I am pretty good about doing stuff around the house and multitasking but this pregnancy has taken it out of me. Mostly because my two other kids are so active it’s almost impossible to get anything done. (Not for lack of trying though) My husband is very particular about liking things clean all the time, laundry done etc. and is good about helping me if I can’t finish things. Lately though he has been making comments at least once a day about something not being done or not being done well enough. I am constantly explaining that I can’t do certain things while watching my two active kids and many times by the time I finish making dinner and putting them to bed I am exhausted almost to tears and just don’t have the mental/physical energy to do chores. On top of it I have been very nauseous and haven’t been able to eat well so many times I feel physically weak. I constantly feel like I am disappointing him and when I say so he turns it into an argument and makes me feel like all I do Is sit around and complain. I don’t know what to do. I have tried to push myself to get more done so he doesn’t get frustrated with me but it just leaves me weepy and strung out at the end of the week. I don’t know how to get him understand what I am going through without him thinking I am just lazy!