Anal fistula

I was wondering if anybody has any experience with Anal fistulas?.

About a week or so ago, I noticed what felt like a painful cut around my anus.

I did my best to keep it clean and hoping it would clear up on it’s own and when the pain was persistent I brought a cream that’s meant to help heal wounds quicker.

Tonight whilst applying the cream I noticed that the cut felt more like a lump.

So I grabbed a mirror and my phone torch and checked it out.

There was what looked like a little hole between two bits of my anus that I’m not sure if they’re hemorrhoid or just how my butt is.

I’ve had what I thought to be anal fissures for a while every now and then which is just profuse bleeding that stops itself happens a few time’s after a poop and goes away for a while.

After googling my symptoms out of curiousity I found out anal fistulas are a thing, they can be very serious if left untreated.

I have this pit in my stomach I’m worried and i cant have a phone appointment ( they do phone appointments before regular appointments now) with a doctor until Monday.