Changing shitty nappies 9 TIMES In a day.

Melisa • Mummy Of 2 ❤

Yes, you heard that I changed my 10.5 month old baby girls nappy 9 times In a day, and I dunno how many more times I will change her again I’m cleary out of nappies and waiting on my husband to bring some 🤦‍♀️ She has something like diaarhea, but she does a little bit at a time. She also has a horrible horrible nappy rash, I’m using cream I always use when she gets a rash, It normally fades out In a day with the cream Im using. But the thing is.. Just as I change her and cream her up, she poops AGAIN. So the creams not having time to work Itself Into the skin. Someone help.. I’m about to go mental from all screaming and also the temper tantrums of my 2 year old son doesnt make It any easier 😩 Shall I take her to the doctors In the morning?

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