I have no other option

I had an abortion July 15th 2019, i can’t afford therapy cause i don’t have insurance, i used to just throw myself into overtime hours to cope but when covid hit my hours went from 50-0. I have been basically out of work since March 2020 and i have no way to really cope that actually works. I post in this group every few months and my post is always the only post i see not getting comments for support. I have nobody, all of my friends are married and having/already have kids, and my mom only knows how to tell me to move on and give me a hug. I don’t have some loving husband to give a shit about me, i don’t have friends who have been through what i have, and i don’t have family other than my mother. I’m crying out to the ocean and getting silence in return. I need help and can’t get help. I just cry every night, think about everyday, and never stop feeling physically and emotionally heavy like the world is weighing on my shoulders.