PMS - any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi everyone,

It’s my first time to create a topic here and I was wondering if you could help me cope with PMS.

From about two weeks before the period, I feel really awful, irritated, depressed and hopeless. My self-esteem also easily hits the bottom. I feel like I’m a worthless person without any talent or strength, and also get so very insecure about my appearance - I feel so unattractive and even hideous that I try to avoid mirrors.

The thing is, everything is just the opposite during ovulation. I feel happy, light-hearted and confident - everything feels fine...then boom, it’s PMS.

I’d go so far as to say it could be similar to the symptoms of the bipolar disorder. Things are extreme.

What makes it worse is that my cycle tends to be a little longer than the average cycle. It last about 38 days, which means more suffering..!

I’m sorry I’m rambling too much! Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I’d really appreciate any tip or advice. I’d really like to feel better emotionally and also to lessen the bloating if possible.

Here are the things I have been doing or did :

1. Taking Vitex...but I feel it’s not enough (though when I stopped taking it, I realised it had been doing a lot..!).

2. Exercise...but maybe it’s not enough! I walk in a face pace for about 30 minutes a day.

3. I also tried meditation but I’m afraid it doesn’t seem like to be quite my thing.