Thought people were over gender norm roles

Women are in the military, some men are stay at home dads... but Lord forbid me to be pregnant (21 w) and mow our lawn.

I love gardening and mowing and always stay busy with planting and yard work in warm months. Last night after our family walk and the sun was down my husband was across the street chatting with our neighbors and had our 23 month old so I saw a great opportunity to cut the side of the house. It was 73° out, no hills, small part of the yard and the neighbors shamed him for me mowing so he got embarrassed.

I have discussed it with my OB and have done research. If I can power through an hour workout, I can push a 10 lb mower on flat land after sunset. Pregnant women are not disabled and some of us actually LIKE mowing grass.

I wish people were educated.