Eat High Quantity/Unhealthy or Low quantity/healthy? While pregnant

I’m pregnant with baby number 2 and my morning sickness and discomfort is off the charts with this pregnancy. My first pregnancy i was extremely healthy. My husband and i are vegan and i used to make EVERYTHING from scratch... very rarely any processed food (besides Ezekiel bread and tortillas) a lot of dark greens (cooked but a lot of raw) and fruit. Rarely any gluten products. And these were big hefty meals. I actively walked everyday and even held a part time job and felt great during my shift. I had zero morning sickness. It was so great that my doctor ran tests on my blood and my results were an A+ and this was without taking any prenatals or supplements (my husband and i were really radical then but hey all my effort of eating every healthy food that poached loads of vitamins under the Sun worked).

This pregnancy, it’s totally different. Since my 6th week, I’ve been feeling very nauseous. Throwing up, aches and pains, very irritable and worst is that i barely have the energy to cook a full healthy meal. Ive been relying on processed (still vegan but i know that doesn’t really matter) foods such as frozen burritos, Hashbrown patties, granola bars, packaged Asian noodles, triscuits/wheat thins, and frozen veggies. And an occasional salad every once in awhile. I even have gotten in-n-out fries a few times 😩 Also, up until week 11, i stopped working out because i feel so fatigued. This time, i’m taking prenatal vits and other supplements because of my nausea.

I feel extremely guilty for giving my first child a great headstart in the womb and this child, I’m just like “meh”.

I really want to go back to eating better for this child but in order for me to not feel nauseous, I could only eat/cook a little at a time. One, due to my nausea and two, due to me feeling too tired to meal prep and make everything from scratch. I wish i could pay someone to cook for me but that would get pricey. I know if i eat what i can, I’d be at a calorie deficit.

Or do i keep eating this not so healthy food that are easy to make and stuff down to make sure i get enough calories for the baby?

My doctor says it’s ok to eat the things I’m eating and sees no problem with it but when you go from one extreme to another, it doesn’t feel right. Especially since I’m essentially feeding the baby what I’m eating. I’m ready to cut out all the bad stuff even if it means less calories but wanted to get other women’s thoughts. My son is so bright and a cute ball of love and I’m afraid that this child will come out not so because i didn’t give it the same fighting chance 😞

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