Gotta love free food

So a few months back I found this plant growing in my backyard. My neighbor did not plant it and the other tenant did not either. The flowers looked so familiar to me. Either squash or melon flowers. I knew it had to be.

The other tenant's daughter came over yesterday and was interested in the plant. She did some looking through the leaves and found a big cucumber. So mystery solved and since I'm the only one who eats cucumber I will now be inundated with melons soon. There are 6+ripening right now. I found a second ready this morning and one eaten lol

Its so dumb to be happy over this isnt it? I just love this. I can't wait to donate some of the produce. I used to be able to bring in any extra fruits or veggies I had grown to church to share with everyone. Its probably one of my favorite practices. This year I wasn't going to have anything and I resigned myself to that but instead I get to! Some for not only myself but to share with people who need it. It may not be at church as mine is still closed for covid but at least somewhere that needs it. Why does it feel so nice to do this stuff?