New to Dealing with Ovarian Cysts - Protips?


Hey everyone.... after being on birth control for the last 14 years (half my life)... I am now dealing with ovarian cysts.

I am now approximately 1.5 months w/o birth control, and the minor bloating and pain I had in that first month that I attributed to being more aggressive PMS was probably cysts.. This second month, the pain is much more intense in both sharpness ane duration, the bloating is extreme, and the bowl movements are unpredictable...all of this was enough that I went in for a sonogram yesterday and there was a decent sized cyst on my left ovary.

The gyno hasn't officially called me to talk about this yet, but I was wondering if anyone had any protips for dealing with the symptoms? Luckily I'm teleworking, and can basically walk around with ice packs or heating pads in super stretchy pants and sleep on the toilet if needed.... 😅😕