Not asked to be godmother

So before I write this I want to preface that I know being a godparent is a privilege, not an entitlement, and even if it WAS I wouldn’t be entitled to it lol. I am not angry or upset, I just feel a little disappointed or hurt, even though I’m fully aware it’s irrational. I would never tell anyone in my life that I even felt this way bc I know its dumb. I guess I’m just posting to see if anyone else has felt like this. I just became an aunt for the first time and I am THRILLED - it’s the baby of my brother and sister in law. My brother is already The Godfather to my oldest and we just had our second (within weeks of my niece), and we asked my sister in law to be the godmother. They just asked my husband to be their baby’s godfather, and my sister in law’s sister is the godmother. AS IT SHOULD BE. It’s her actual real sister. Also her sister doesn’t have kids and doesn’t seem likely to have them anytime soon if at all, AND their family is more religious than mine. It makes all the sense they’d choose her, and I support their decision, love my SIL’s sister, and think it was so nice they asked my husband. But at the same time I somehow feel like I was passed over or left out? I know, I know, it’s stupid and I sound like a jerk, it’s just how I feel. Reminder that I am also postpartum and probably hormonal myself, and I’m just kind of feeling slightly sad about it.