Leg workout

I’m currently 28 weeks and almost always fatigued and still throwing up 🙃 so I try to force myself to work out at least twice a week for a minimum of like 30 minutes. I’ve just noticed that my legs look sooooooooooo disgusting. Like the cellulite resembles a container of cottage cheese at this point! I did cheer for almost 10 years so I have pretty large thighs due to all the strength and conditioning but I feel like this pregnancy really messed it all up. I would honestly love to slim my legs down a bit at this point I’m just trying to not jiggle or create a small earthquake when I walk. Any work out tips/suggestions? Or any videos I should follow? I should probably mention I don’t do prenatal workouts... I just don’t even break a sweat or get my heart rate up so I feel like it’s kinda pointless, I usually adjust to a normal workout.