Best bday gift EVER!!!!!

Mary Mary • I’m a believer of GOD who is my father of many things then I’m a wife, mother of 2 and Daughter to the Worlds best Mom! 🌈baby coming due date 3/15/2021 💙💙

I had a miscarriage 2 years ago. It crushed us as a family! Had another this yr May 19. I've never even seen the baby on an sonogram. Its always no sac no heartbeat. May 19 it torn us again. My and my husband wasn't mad this time. We said GOD we trust you and what's best for our lives. July 1 I was pregnant. My husband didnt even believe me lol. (Silly man) I was like baby im sick im serious. Long story short im measured at 13wks. Baby had a limbs. Strong heart beat! Trust the process lady's!!!! 8/30 my day but im able to share this gift with so many others.