Halfway through TWW...

I'm halfway through the TWW on month 3 of TTC#1.

I'm 42 and he's 43. We're in the UK.

We're both taking lots of pre-natals (informed by The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant).

Neither of us have had any fertility tests yet. We're giving it a few months before we see anyone about it.

We're struggling with DE (caused by pre- existing anxiety) so we've also tried some at home insemination as well as BDing when possible.

I'm also really not very good yet at reading my chart so we're totally reliant on Clear Blue Advanced OPKs.

I'm frequently overwhelmed by the voices in my head telling me that we've left it too late. And that all this stress and effort is a waste of time.

I have no specific ask in posting this. We're not sharing our journey with anyone so I'm just really getting this narrative out of my head.