Wow I post a lot, but rant time


I love my older sister to death but she can't keep a relationship and she doesn't understand why, but everyone with common sense knows why.

My sister would jump from one guys bed to the next and not care until she got pregnant. During her pregnancy she still continued to mess around with this guy who told her all he wanted was sex and she was okay with it.

Any guy she tries to talk to she throws in her sexual past with other men (which in my opinion makes her seem easy) and then she wonders why these men want her for sex and not a committed relationship.

She will also take selfies (nothing wrong with it) but she will make sure her boobs are hanging out of whatever she'd wearing (which makes her seem like she has no respect for herself).

One day she asked me why she couldn't keep a decent guy so I told her. I told her that if she would stop telling every guy she talks to about how many guys she's slept with over a period then they wouldn't see her as an easy lay and may actually try for a relationship but she didn't want to hear the truth.

Finally she found this guy and dated him for maybe a month or two before moving in with him and her baby. This guy has 2 kids from a previous marriage or something so child support was obviously an issue. But she moved in with him. He doesn't really have a great job, and he's lucky to see $100 from his paycheck because he pays child support on 2 children so that takes a lot of it. Well my sister kept pressuring him to be better whenever she stayed home and didn't even try to attempt the duties as a stay at home mom. She didn't want to clean or anything so when he went to work she just sat there.

They kept arguing because his job requires him to travel (he's a flagger for road work so he goes where he's needed and the only vehicle he had was his work truck that the company owned) but anyways, my sister got mad at him because he would be sent to work out of state for a few days and would get paid to go there and buy fast food but not send her any money back. (essentially she wanted money from him but they aren't married so..) and she claimed she wanted it for her baby but in reality I know how she is with money, she wastes it on tobacco and other junk.

So they continued to argue until they finally broke up because he got tired of dealing with her so she moved back in with our parents and she's still there. She continues to post depressing things on facebook and clearly making it obvious that it's about her ex and she's being really petty. So here's the issue with her:

She's lazy. The only time she's worked a job longer than a few months was when she was pregnant and worked at the hospital (and even when she worked there she tried to hook up with men). She is controlling, she thinks she can get with a decent working man and lay down on him and not do anything period. She thinks he will go to work and come home and clean house too. She doesn't want to do anything but take pictures of herself and her baby and make the world think she's a great mom when in reality my mom watches her kid day and night and she only comes out of her room to get her when you yell for her. She will make excuses to not watch her kid. For example, when she takes a bath she stays in there for hours so she won't have to deal with her baby.

I know you aren't supposed to talk trash about family, but I wish to God she would grow up and stop being such a whiny baby! She's 23 with a 6 month old. She would rather lay down on someone than actually do something and God forbid you ask her to clean something. She yells at my mom for her tv being "too loud" and it's like she constantly tries to pick a fight with her AND SHES 70.

I am in no way better than anyone, and I don't have a job and I am a stay at home wife, but I don't lay around all day. When the grass needs cut I cut it. I clean and organize the house, I do the dishes, I do the laundry, I try my best to make sure food is made unless my husband starts that "well I don't know" crap. I may not have a job but I do my part and being a stay at home wife/mom is a job but my sister doesn't want to take on the roll, and she also doesn't want to work.

I wish she would just grow up 😤