What to do with my career

I need help. This is the only group I could find that makes any sort of sense to post this in.

I have always struggled figuring out what I want to do as a career. I want to do something with a purpose that helps people, particularly children. I also want something with a lot of flexibility so I can be there 100% for my children. For example, I’m off when they are out of school, I can leave work when they’re sick, etc.

I really would like to be a teacher. That has been my goal for the past 5 or so years, but I haven’t finished school yet. I know though, that being a teacher is hard work, a lot of hours outside of being paid, and I won’t be able to easily just take off work if my kids are sick, or I’m sick.

What do I do? Early childhood is the only thing I can think of that I would want to do, but the cons are holding me back.

Any other suggestions, or should I just continue with my early childhood degree??